All prices are in Pound Sterling and exclude VAT at the prevailing applicable rate. VAT Registration: GB 945 0992 94 (for UK) or EU 372 0184 99 (for EU)
We are committed to providing high standards of service to our customers but understand that sometimes things can go wrong. If you are not satisfied with any part of our service then we want to know about it. We will resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and if appropriate provide an explanation as to what went wrong and how we will seek to resolve the issue.
Please contact us by submitting a ticket to our helpdesk by clicking here, entering a subject of "Complaint". We may call you back or reply via email to you depending on the best way to resolve your complaint.
When we receive your complaint we will acknowledge it automatically on screen and via email immediatley and personally within three working days
We will then fully investigate your complaint and aim to respond within five working days
If the situation requires a longer investigation, we will contact you within ten working days to inform you of this and let you know when you can expect our response